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California Medicaid Management Information System RFP 'In Development'

A major bid opportunity could be on the way in fall 2017. The Department of Health Care Services' Office of Medi-Cal Procurement announced on its website that an RFP is being developed for "various operations" of the California Medicaid Management Information System (CA-MMIS).

A major bid opportunity could be on the way later this year.

The Department of Health Care Services' Office of Medi-Cal Procurement announced on its website that an RFP is being developed for "various operations" of the California Medicaid Management Information System (CA-MMIS).

"Further information concerning the procurement is expected to be available in the fall of 2017. Information will be posted on this website and on FI$Cal when it becomes available. The department urges anyone interested in the upcoming procurement to continue to monitor both locations," the office wrote.

Thirteen months ago, California and incumbent vendor Xerox announced it would stop development of a replacement for CA-MMIS and start over on the project.

Under the settlement terms, California will pursue the procurement of a new Medicaid Management Information System as Xerox continues to operate the existing CA-MMIS system through 2019.

Techwire reported in October 2016 that signs point to California incorporating agile development principles and modular procurement into the retooled CA-MMIS project scope.

Three months ago the Department of Health Care Services also finalized an 18-page Lessons Learned report looking back at the CA-MMIS modernization project.

Matt Williams was Managing Editor of Techwire from June 2014 through May 2017.