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Accela's Daihl Stepping Down from CEO Role

Ed Daihl, chief executive officer of the gov tech company Accela, is stepping down after a little more than a year at the helm and will shift to an advisory role.

Ed Daihl, chief executive officer of the gov tech company Accela, is stepping down after a little more than a year at the helm.

Daihl, who took leadership of Accela in March 2017, will retain an advisory role at the company, according to Accela spokesperson Galen Alexander.

“Ed made the decision to retire from Accela after a successful career leading technology companies, culminating in his valuable work spearheading key initiatives at Accela that included the company’s development of its Software-as-a-Solution applications, the move into emerging regulatory markets of cannabis and short-term rentals (such as Airbnb services),” Alexander wrote in an email. “While his role is changing, he is not leaving Accela, but will move into an advisory role where he can help ensure Accela moves forward with helping local government leaders drive digital transformations for their communities.”

The former CEO will also step down from the board, but his work as an adviser will largely mirror the things he was doing before — things like pushing for the company to move its business to the cloud and focusing on hiring and retention.

The company is searching for a new CEO and has already interviewed candidates, Alexander said.

Daihl was at the helm when Accela was purchased by the private equity firm Berkshire Partners, and it also launched its Center of Expertise to bring in subject-matter experts to help customers and non-customers alike with emerging areas of regulatory concern.

Ben Miller is the associate editor of data and business for Government Technology.